This response indicates that I should include a performance element to my music video be that lip syncing or instrumentally. Not one person in my questionnaire would like to not see performance.

When I decided where my music video would feature this is why I decided I would put my music video on YouTube. It is a very popular website for streaming music for free and according to my target audience it is also used more than music channels to listen to music.

This shows that the people who are answering my questionnaire are in my age range of my target audience which is what I need to hear from. This means that I can take my questionnaire into account. If the people who answered my questionnaire were of an older age this would have made my questionnaire invalid and the information that I gained from it would be useless in trying to communicate with my target audience.
This indicates that I should include lip syncing in my video as 90% of the people who answered this said they would like to see it. However I should also include some shots with no lip syncing to appeal to the niche audience who said they would not like to see lip syncing.
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