LIIAR - P!nk - So What?
Language -
Mise-en-scene - Pink has short bleached hair which is uncommon for a woman because they're stereo-typically seen to have long flowing natural coloured hair e.g. brown. We also see that there is 'Alicia & Carey' carved into a tree this showed that she cared about her partner and we see her getting upset about cutting it down, she doesn't want to let go. She is also cutting down the tree using a chainsaw which is a very powerful piece of equipment and she cant handle it she has to lean backwards which makes her look weak because she is a woman whilst she is doing this she is also wearing a pair of high heels. This shows that even doing a mans job she must try to remain feminine because she is a lady. When she is in the bar she is wearing revealing clothing that is red in colour which is usually a sign of danger which is quite devilish, shows she is a dangerous woman but it can also be a sign of love, because she has just split from her partner. Later in the video we also see her hair set on fire, much like the red top this is also quite devilish and makes her look stupid and weak for this happening to her. Almost like karma for being s trouble causer.
Editing -There are 20 shots in the chorus alone which is fairly normal if not a bit slower paced for a pop video because some shots are slower than others and some are a lot faster.
Cinematography - There is a mid-shot of her getting a tattoo at the very beginning of the video this shows she is rebelling. There is a long shot behind her on a slow vehicle showing her blocking the road again showing she is rebellious and that she doesn't care for other peoples feelings.There is a close-up of the boyfriend holding hands over her eyes as this happens she sings 'I don't know where he went' this is quite humorous and shows us they had a good relationship, it also sheds light on the subject of relationships. There is another close-up of her face as she's thinking about smashing the electric guitar, and we see her face change from normal to smirking as she lifts the guitar above her head and continues to attempt to break the guitar. After this there is a mid-shot of her punching the male in the guitar shop in the face, similarly to the other shots this shows she doesn't care about other peoples feelings because she could've really hurt this man and cost him a lot of money buy potentially breaking a very expensive guitar.There are also shots of her having a pillow fight whilst only wearing underwear with other men. and woman showing that she is over her partner and is ready top move on. A shot-reverse-shot shows her neighbour looking at her cutting down the tree, follows a long shot falls into his garden and he runs away showing she is more powerful than him and he looks weak, another long shot follows of her thrusting her hips forward in admiration of herself. she doesn't care about his fence or that she could've harmed him.
Sound - right at the end Pink 'blows a raspberry' with her tongue, this is usually a sign to show someone that you aren't interested or that you don't care. She doesn't care about her partner because he's a 'tool'.
Ideology - Woman was in a relationship and they break up because they had a fight over a certain topic. she feels like she doesn't need him so she starts doing things that normally people don't do e.g. trying to break guitars of driving in the middle of the road on a what looked to be some sort of lawnmower. But she cries when she can't chop down the tree and in some shots looks very sad. She is just putting on an act to make it seem like she doesn't want him but secretly she does.
Audience - The Audience for this music video is aged between 13 & 25. Pink is a more sophisticated artist more so than Avril Lavigne there fore her audience is automatically older. Although the topic is similar to that of 'What The Hell' it is done with a more serious way by using marriage and 'real love'.
Representation - The representation in this video is that women are strong and that they don't need a man. However Pink is seen to get upset when she can't cut down the tree which makes her look weak. It also represents men as being cheaters as she is telling women that her man cheated on her and is saying that you can do without.
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