LIIAR Analysis - Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
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Mise-en-scene- The main male character in the music video wears a lot of black clothing, this fits in with the genre of the video which is pop-punk, punk syled clothing is usually blacks, reds and other dark colours of which he is wearing black jeans and a patterned black t-shirt. New Avril is also wearing a lot of black clothing as well as having straight jet black hair. When Avril is performing she has a pink stripe in her hair although pink is seen as a feminine colour it is also a sign of rebelling. Where as the current Avril wears pink clothing and is very girl, has curly hair and everything flows. She also wears glasses which shows she is quite intelligent. She is conventional of pop music videos. Avril's logo is seen in the video and it is a skull and cross bone this is also symbolic of punk music.
setting - The boyfriend and current Avril are seen going into an old fashioned looking place, she is quite a traditional girl and therefore goes here, she is a 'girly girl' New Avril is seen inside and she looks out of place inside because she is wearing all black and the rest of the place is very country in that is is mostly greens, yellows and browns. Where as when new Avril is seen with the boyfriend she is in wacky places such as the golf course or go carting. Shows she is daring and dangerous which is again conventional of punk rockers.
Editing - The video is fast paced which emphases Avril's need to get this boy, she wants him now. There is roughly 25 cuts in the chorus alone. There was one particular part lasting 3 second with up to 10 shots in it.
Cinematography - There is a close-up of Avril saying 'hey hey you you',directly looking into the camera pointing, this develops a greater bond between artist and viewer and makes it seem like she is directing it at them. There are long shots showing a performance and band/artist logo, this advertises Avril and directs to her fans.There is a tracking shot behind the go carts in which are current Avril and the boyfriend. Can be classed as an establishing shot because it shows you where they are. There is then a close-up of current Avril pulling a smug face and thinking she has won him over because she knew she was loosing him, she is jealous. She is then crashed into by new Avril she fails to control the cart making her look weak and powerless.There is then a series of mid shots shoeing new Avril celebrating and the boyfriend smiling. This indicates that he wanted that to happen to his girlfriend. In these shots new Avril is literally shoving current Avril out of the way, this is a connotation of pushing her out of the relationship. There is a mid shot of Avril singing 'she's like so whatever' and as she sings this she acts out the symbol for being crazy which is twirling your finger by your temple.She is using 'Whatever' as another term for crazy. She is doing this to persuade the boyfriend not to be with her. There is an over the shoulder shot (over the boyfriends shoulder) current Avril is smiling whilst he is busy eating the pastry desert he doesn't care, he doesn't care about being romantic with her.
Sound - There is a 15 second intro before the song starts where the couple walk into the golf place and the girlfriend looks at punk Avril and looks down on her. This is what makes Avril want to replace her and be his boyfriend because she realises that the two aren't meant for each other. There is also a very short piece at the end where new girlfriend says 'Yes' because she got exactly what she wanted.
Ideology - this video is about a couple who were happy until a new girl comes along and thinks she should be his girlfriend not his current girlfriend. In the end the couple do split and she does get him as a boyfriend. the whole video is her trying to convince him to be with her and constantly being better at everything than his current girlfriend. The current girlfriend and the new girlfriend are both played by Avril Lavigne. This could mean that all the girl needs to do to be his perfect girlfriend is change a few things about herself. Maybe he doesn't like the way she acts.
Audience - The audience for this music video is aged 11 - 18 this is because it addresses issues that most teenagers face as they grow up such as; jealousy, relationships and breakups. Again like 'Sk8r Boi' the audience will be primarily female as it is sang from a females point of view therefore they will be able to relate to the lyrics of the song.
Representation - Representation in this music video is that girls are made jealous very easily and that girls only want what they can't have. Current Avril was playing the part of the jealous girlfriend and new Avril was playing the part of wanting things she can't have.
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