Language - There is a short break at the beginning of the video before the soundtrack starts, this short clip shows a wall and what the video is about, which I believe to be a concert that is being advertised this is seen in the mise-en-scene with the repetition of the red star symbol to represent the band.there is also another break after the soundtrack has finished, it is a helicopter above Avril, she looks up to the helicopter and has done a bad thing.
Mise-en-scene - they have used a lot of technology in this video to show the audience that the people in the video are teenagers, the type of teen seen in the video (punk-rockers) are often seen playing video games and being anti-social.This is seen when one of the male's spray paints a large red star in the middle of the road. They are wearing punk clothing which includes,a lip ring which one of the males is wearing, baggy jeans and t-shirts. The clothes they wear do not conform to what teens would wear. they also use skateboards which links to the song name and reminds us what the song is about. It is also the males which are on the bikes and scooters etc. Avril is carried on a bike.
The settings are mainly run down buildings where the teens 'hang out', the shabby buildings represent the shabby attitude of the teenagers and further emphasises their scruffy clothing choices.
Cinematography - There is a high angle shown of a young male jumping into a pot hole in the road showing he is rebellious and he is trying to get away from the trouble he is going to be in.Similarly a long/full shots shows what they're doing as the group are coming down the stairs of their hideout they're jumping down the banisters and free styling on their bikes. Being rebellious. Just before the chorus starts the camera pans down from the top of a building right down to the bottom watching as a TV is being slung down by a 'punk-rock' male.the camera is hand held emphasising the chaos that these teens are causing. This is seen again as there is a full shot behind two of the teens on a bike throwing leaflets behind them creating mess inside a public place and they do not seem to care. They are trouble causers.Right at the very end of the video there is a low angle shot showing a police helicopter, this shot makes look as though the police more powerful than her because she is below them. These shots all show the same thing and it is these teens causing havoc, they're creating a bad image for young punk-rock teenagers.
Editing - the cuts in this music video are edited to the beat, it is a fast paced video which goes with the theme of the video with the teens jumping off things and being dangerous. There are 32 cuts in the chorus alone which is roughly one second a cut.
Institution -
Ideology - This music video is about a story told from Avril's P.O.V about her 'sk8r boi' boyfriend and a girl that he knew in high school who rejected him because he was a skateboarder and she was a bit of a snob.
Audience - the audience for this music video is aged between 11 & 18. the song mentions high school so the viewers have to be young. Mainly a female audience as it is being sung from a females P.O.V. These people will like Any music from Pop to Rock so it is a very wide audience in terms of music taste but a small audience in terms of age which gives the song a rough age margin of 7 years.
Representation - Avril is represented as a typical teenage rebel, this is shown through out the video as the is jumping of things and running around with her 'rocker boyfriend' she wears clothes that don't particularly match and they aren't female clothing e.g. skirt and a pretty pink top she's wearing trainers baggy jeans and a snap-back, she is breaking conventions again showing she is a rebel. At the very end of the video she is also caught by the police for performing on to of a car.